training & certification

New - Check out the list of training courses AAAE can deliver live to your airport in person or online.

Bring consistency and cost-effectiveness to your training by bringing OnSite training to your airport.

See the Full Training Calendar


Benefits of OnSite Training

  • Convenient, Consistent and Cost-Effective – Train many employees with the same message, at the same time, without the cost of travel.
  • Personalized – Can be adapted to your airport’s specific requirements.
  • Up-to-date  – AAAE’s connections with security policymakers ensure our training is taking into account the latest security rules and regulations.
  • Experienced trainers – Taught by respected, experienced aviation management professionals.
  • External Trainers - Outside trainers give credibility to the training and allow employees to be more open with questions than they might be with internal staff.
  • College Credit – Employees working toward a college degree may earn credits.


Airports who have used AAAE's OnSite Training have seen significant results, including:
  • Increase in staff productivity
  • Reduction of errors
  • Improved morale

Course Offerings

AAAE offers a wide variety of courses for all levels of airport employees. Click on the images below to learn more or view the On-Site Course options here.

Why OnSite?


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Training Calendar

Can't find the training you're looking for? Visit the full calendar of AAAE meetings


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On Demand

On Demand
On Demand
The purpose of the Accreditation Program writing requirement is to demonstrate to the Board of Examiners (BOE) that executive candidates can write effectively on a topic relevant and significant to airport management. Two options for completing the Accreditation program writing requirement are the Management Paper and Case Study. This workshop was developed to assist candidates with the paper writing process and help them understand what the BOE defines as a successful paper.
On Demand
On Demand
Learn ways in which you can build the mental strength needed to handle psychologically taxing events such as global pandemics like COVID-19, threats, accidents or emergencies that can take place in the airport.
On Demand
On Demand
Cover a variety of techniques and recommendations that address the unique operational challenges and responsibilities of the airport communication center dispatcher.
On Demand
On Demand
This course provides both operations and security personnel the necessary information and perspectives on the basics of securing a public-use airport.
On Demand
On Demand
COVID-19 vaccines have started distribution, and normalcy is on the horizon. With that, however, comes a return to the risks of normal passenger traffic. Be prepared with this 2-day overview of emergency response, disaster preparedness and crisis management.
On Demand
On Demand
This workshop provides an introduction to the commercial airport world giving attendees a grasp of the different missions and complexities of civilian airport operations. Another component is a discussion on how to approach the job market, including translating military experience into civilian language on a resume, so HR reps will recognize that candidates have the requisite skills for the job.
On Demand
On Demand
Better understand how airports are financed and how the finance function of the airport performs the services that they provide. We'll cover the sources of revenue, how the budgeting process works and what to you need to know about audits.
On Demand
On Demand
This two-part series provides an overview of the performance requirements for airport lighting fixtures and the function they perform.
On Demand
On Demand
Airport 101 is tailored to new airport professionals and incoming public officials to enhance the individual’s understanding of the aviation story, industry leaders, airport management issues, current challenges faced by industry leaders and strategies for implementing sensible strategic plans or goals. It is designed to present new airport board members or commissioners, senior and mid-level airport executives, and entry level with a substantive and thoughtful review of the airport industry.
On Demand
On Demand
If you have been in airport emergency management for any length of time, you know that incident command can be a challenge. Off-airport responders often are not familiar with the airport environment; there are challenges with who the incident commander should be and where the lines of authority are drawn. Even if you think you have "solved" these problems, you may not be happy with those solutions. ICS for Airports provides you with three different strategies for implementing an effective airport incident command system or revising an existing program. Even if you don't wholly implement these programs, you will come away with ideas for improving your incident management effectiveness.
On Demand
On Demand
This course provides a basic understanding of the principles and techniques of escort operations with a primary focus on the impact to airport operations. Attendees will gain an understanding of basic escort operation principles and methodologies, how to integrate escorts into the airport security environment based on threat level, and best practices for how to mitigate the impact to airport operations.