Training Course Options

AAAE offers a variety of training course options for you and your airport. Look through the full list below, or use the search features to narrow the list. Don't see something you need? Submit a request below.

Training Requests & Inquiries


Accreditation Final Interview Workshop

Learn how to better prepare for the accreditation final interview and earn your A.A.E. Attendees will gain a firm understanding of what executives are looking for during these interviews.

Accreditation Final Interview Workshop

Accreditation Paper Writing Workshop

The purpose of the Accreditation Program writing requirement is to demonstrate to the Board of Examiners (BOE) that executive candidates can write effectively on a topic relevant and significant to airport management. Two options for completing the Accreditation program writing requirement are the Management Paper and Case Study. This workshop was developed to assist candidates with the paper writing process and help them understand what the BOE defines as a successful paper.

Accreditation Paper Writing Workshop

ACE Airport Finance

ACE Finance is the first comprehensive program designed for airport personnel responsible for the financial operations at commercial service and general aviation airports. Airport Finance professionals will gain a better grasp on the airport system, the intricacies of airport management and operations and the relationship to the fiscal environment to help them strategically plan, budget and allocate funds.

ACE Airport Finance

ACE Communications Center Operations

This program is intended for aviation personnel who work directly in airport communication hubs and dispatch centers. Participants who complete the course and pass the exam will receive a certificate of recognition as an Airport Certified Employee of Communications.

ACE Communications Center Operations

ACE Law Enforcement Officer (LEO)

ACE LEO is distinguished by its focus on response protocols and real-world applications, and provides training in a uniformed and concise manner to law enforcement and security personnel to competently and confidently do their jobs as well as meet the requirements of 49 CFR 1542.217. Offered as Self-Study and Live Classroom Training.

ACE Law Enforcement Officer (LEO)

ACE Lighting Maintenance

This program is specifically designed for airfield lighting maintenance personnel that work at the airport to improve the reliability of airport lighting and visual aid systems that are vital to aircraft safety on the airport surfaces. It includes the opportunity to take the exam to earn your ACE Lighting certification.

ACE Lighting Maintenance

ACE Operations

The Operations program is a Part 139-based curriculum designed to educate and challenge airport personnel with airfield operations responsibilities. Airport employees who complete this course and pass the exam will receive a certificate of recognition as an Airport Certified Employee of Operations.

ACE Operations

ACE Planning & Environmental

We are excited to announce the next Airport Certified Employee certification – ACE Airport Planning and Environmental, which is set to launch in Summer 2022. This program is designed especially for aviation professionals responsible for planning and environmental compliance at commercial service and general aviation airports. The certification is based on fundamental federal regulations and policies, research from aviation organizations and generally accepted planning and environmental practices. It explores the diverse components that make-up the airport, including airside and landside facilities, stakeholder participation, master planning, airport layout plan development, and environmental considerations.

ACE Planning & Environmental

ACE Safety Management Systems (SMS)

This program is based on the FAA (SNPRM) release regarding Airport Safety Management Systems and includes topics such as history of SMS, Pillars of SRM, applying SMS, Best Practice, ICAO standards, and so much more.

ACE Safety Management Systems (SMS)

ACE Security

Designed to establish a general knowledge base for airport professionals working in the fluid security environment. The program is an extensive curriculum based on 49 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) – 1500 Series: TSA Regulations and the ICAO Annex 17. The Course not only meets the TSA 1542.3 requirements for Airport Security Coordinators (ASC)* and alternate ASC’s, but also builds upon the existing working security knowledge of aviation professionals. Designed for aviation personnel tasked with security responsibilities from the airport, air carrier, indirect air carrier and general aviation sectors. * If taking part in the self-study program, ASC certification does not apply. One must to take part in an ACE Security Review Course in order to be eligible for an ASC certificate.

ACE Security

ACE Trusted Agent

Designed to establish a general knowledge base for airport professionals working in the airport Credentialing Office, this curriculum provides important history that helps a Trusted Agent better understand the security platform from which they now are required to work. The course focuses on understanding the complexities that have been continuously added to the requirements for vetting, issuing, tracking and auditing airport credentials and is based on Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations– 1542 series, and TSA Security Directives.

ACE Trusted Agent

Advanced ASOS

Advanced Schools are tailored for individuals who have either attended an earlier ASOS school, experienced one or more annual FAA Certification Inspections or have at least two years of experience in airport operations. The school has fewer prepared presentations, and more group Part 139 problem-solving exercises so that all attendees can actively participate in the proceedings. Participants are encouraged to discuss best management practices and lessons learned at their airports or from other experiences.

Advanced ASOS

Advanced Security

In the nearly two decades since 9/11, aviation security has evolved to meet new and evolving threats. However, the basic requirements for security training for airport and aircraft operator personnel are just that - baseline. Today's threats call for a higher level of knowledge, awareness, and action to prevent your airport or aircraft from being the next terrorist target. This course expands on existing ACE Security material, going in-depth into our vulnerabilities, which guides security personnel on where to put our money and efforts to achieve the highest deterrence and, when necessary, the best-prepared response. Topics include: emerging threat and security risk analysis; how to assess vulnerabilities; first responder considerations to terrorist events; basic suspicious awareness, behavioral detection, and workplace violence training; suspicious items and bomb threat management; IED and VBIED protection; drone operations and threats; active shooter prevention and response, ICAO Security Audit training with additional information on cybersecurity, aircraft operator security and IATA security practices.

Advanced Security

Advanced Winter Ops

The International Aviation Snow Management Academy course is designed to provide airport supervisors, managers, and directors with a stronger knowledge of how to operate safe, efficient, and successful winter operations that meet regulatory and fiscal requirements of a FAR Part 139 certificated airport.

Advanced Winter Ops

Airfield Maintenance 101

This course provides information on the maintenance of Airfield related assets including but not limited to: Fences and Barriers, paved and unpaved surfaces, safety areas, lights, signs, and markings. It is designed for airfield maintenance and operations personnel. New hires and individuals with minimum knowledge of airfield maintenance would benefit the most. Although all airfield personnel would benefit from a review or learning new maintenance techniques. The course provides basic regulatory discussions. This course also identifies the use of work orders, discrepancies, and proper close out of these discrepancies.

Airfield Maintenance 101

Airport 101

The Airport 101 workshop has been developed to introduce you to the basics of airport operations and management. In this program we will discuss the process of how the US airport and National Airspace System was developed; how flying and flight operations work in the US; and airport organization and regulations. While historical references may seem inane they are actually quite important to the Airport Executive. Many of the regulations and “the why of things,” can be found by looking to the past. Offered as On Demand and Live Classroom Training.

Airport 101

Airport Construction Safety & Phasing Plans

This course is designed to help airports prepare for an airfield construction project. This is designed to help airports develop and understand the implementation of an Airfield Construction Safety and Phasing Plans. The course follows the regulatory information provided in FAA Advisory Circular Guidance for Construction Safety and Phasing Plans. Explore world examples to help meet the obligations. More importantly it provides examples for keeping the airfield environment safe during construction projects.

Airport Construction Safety & Phasing Plans

Airport Customer Service

Aviation professionals will learn tactics and techniques necessary to provide airport passengers with superior service with each and every customer interaction. This class covers servicing internal and external customers, the importance of professional image, service standards, building rapport, handling difficult customers, and stress management. It is taught through interactive activities to ensure participant engagement.

Airport Customer Service

Airport Emergency Plan

The Airport Emergency Plan explains how the airport operator will respond to the breadth of emergencies that could occur at the airport. However, during an actual emergency, few, if any, responders will have time to review the Plan. Responders and support personnel must be able to take necessary action items and be prepared to handle a variety of challenges. This course teaches attendees the core elements of the airport emergency plan, connecting the Plan with the real tactical actions necessary to solve the problem. The class provides guidance on which agencies are responsible for certain action items with a focus on the priorities of work: saving lives, scene stability, protecting property, and getting the airport operational again. The course uses case studies, intentional-interrupted learning, a small-scale tabletop exercise, and instructor interaction, along with presentational information on lessons-learned and the fundamentals of the Airport Emergency Plan.

Airport Emergency Plan

Airport Emergency Planning

This course covers the requirements of airport operators as explained in Advisory Circular (AC) 150/5200-31C, Industry best practices and ACRP 05-01 "An Airport Guide for Regional Emergency Planning for CBRNE Events," with a focus on integrating with the National Incident Management System (NIMS). AC 150/5200-13C was recently updated to reflect the airport's critical role in response to community disasters.

Airport Emergency Planning
 Airport Finance for the Non-Finance Professionals

Airport Fire Officer (A.F.O.)

The A.F.O. professional designation program is designed for existing and aspiring leaders in the ARFF profession. The program prerequisites ensure that a candidate has obtained and mastered the necessary baseline as an Airport Master Firefighter.

Airport Fire Officer (A.F.O.)

Airport Management 101 Workshop

This course is tailored to enhance the individuals understanding of airport management issues, current challenges faced by industry leaders and strategies for implementing sensible strategic plans or goals. It is designed to present airport board members or commissioners and senior and mid-level airport executives the substantive and thoughtful review of the airport industry.

Airport Management 101 Workshop

Airport Master Firefighter (A.M.F.)

The purpose of the A.M.F., the first level of the ARFF Professional Designation Program, is to document that the Master candidate understands, to an acceptable degree, the ARFF Body of Knowledge essential to carry out the responsibilities to manage an airport fire department and also has a basic understanding of airport administration and management.

Airport Master Firefighter (A.M.F.)

Airport Planning and Management for Airport Executives

How does my job fit into the successful operation of the airport? This course provides an overview of the components of operating a public-use airport and goes beyond the job descriptions. The course focuses on the essential functions each department must perform, to meet federal regulations and other requirements of the FAA. It provides attendees awareness of where their particular division or department fits into the overall success of the airport and how different departments contribute to the overall success. Topics include federal regulations, grant assurances, airport financial and administrative functions, airport planning, airport operations and maintenance, airport marketing, and air service development. The course is not intended to prepare an individual to take the Certified Member exam, but does provide a primer for some of the relevant material and acts as a useful precursor to the CM Review course.

Airport Planning and Management for Airport Executives

Airport Security for Airport Operations and Security Officer Personnel

Airport Operations and Security personnel are the vanguards for keeping a safe, efficient, and secure airport. They are often the first responders too many of the incidents related to the Airport Security Program. They often have to make interpretations of the Program on behalf of the security department. A wrong decision can cost the airport hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines, delay critical airport construction projects, or even result in delayed or canceled flights. Airport Security must be uniquely qualified to serve at an airport, as there is no equivalent in the protection industry. If an officer fails to understand the core mission and the airports operating environment, money, time, and possibly even lives can be lost. This course provides both Ops and Security personnel the necessary information and perspectives on the basics of securing a public-use airport. Topics include the airport operating environment, the layered security system, the Airport Security Program, threats to aviation, the airport security inspection process, specialized operations, and emerging issues (drones, cyber).

Airport Security for Airport Operations and Security Officer Personnel

Airport Snow Management School

In depth instruction of the Management of Airport Winter Operations. This course is a single day version of the Advanced Airport Winter Operations School. This course provides Supervisory and Management level attendees extensive knowledge about the Management Airport Snow and Ice Control methods and regulations. This course meets FAA far part 139 training requirements for Field Condition Assessments and Reporting, and Snow and Ice Control methodologies, Communications, Incursion Prevention, and Low visibility operations.

Airport Snow Management School

Airport Terrorism Preparedness and Response

This course is designed for airport employees that may have security or emergency response responsibilities - whether major or minor, administrative or field - to provide them with an overview of the threats to the aviation environment and how to respond. The course covers current threats to the aviation environment, international and domestic terrorism, the psychology and ideology of terrorism, pre-incident indicators, active shooter events, and bomb threats and suicide/homicide bombers. Students will be introduced to the emergency response plan and will participate in emergency response scenarios to test their knowledge of how to respond to a variety of emergency situations through mini table-top exercises.

Airport Terrorism Preparedness and Response

Airport Wildlife Course

This training program provides important information on the impacts of birds and other wildlife on aircraft operations and will also address management and control programs that are required to mitigate this potentially catastrophic issue. The latest information on strike trends, legal issues, community planning and new technology will assist both the decision makers and technical staff in reducing the potential hazard at airports.

Airport Wildlife Course

Basic ASOS

"The Basic ASOS School is designed for the individual who is relatively new to airport operations, have not attended a Basic ASOS previously, or is currently working in airport management, planning, or operations. Through prepared presentations instructed by industry professionals, the Basic ASOS School will cover the following elements of Part 139 (subject to change): 14 CFR 139 Requirements, Records, Paved/Safety Areas, Markings, Signs and Lighting."

Basic ASOS

Bloodborne Pathogens

The Bloodborne Pathogens standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) applies to airport employees who have occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials. OSHA requires employers to determine which job classifications or specific tasks and procedures involve occupational exposure. During this course, participants will learn about key elements of Bloodborne Pathogens awareness.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Building a Tabletop Exercise for Airport Incidents

Test the Plan, Support the People. Are you building and conducting effective and DHS compliant tabletop exercise? How do you know if they are effective? How do you measure success in what essentially is a roundtable discussion? Are key personnel reluctant to attend the tabletop exercise for fear of being embarrassed? Do you see the same problems recur, year after year without any improvement? This course can help solve all of these problems and provide beneficial guidance to those who are looking to improve an already great Tabletop exercise program. The training shows how to tie the lessons learned to actionable information and practices, and how to update the Airport Emergency Plan, without putting undue restrictions on the airport operator or the tenants

Building a Tabletop Exercise for Airport Incidents

Certified Member

This airport management course provides an intensive review of the C.M. Body of Knowledge modules with an industry expert and an opportunity to complete the exam at the end of the course.

Certified Member

Civilian/Military Airport Connection (CMAC)

The focus will be on the significant differences and similarities, between military airport operations versus civilian, as well as civilian cultures, expectations and pitfalls. Another critical component of this workshop is a discussion on how to approach the job market, including translating military experience into civilian language on a resume, so HR representatives will recognize that candidates have the requisite skills for the job.

Civilian/Military Airport Connection (CMAC)

Conducting ICAO Airport Security Audits

This course focuses on the ICAO airport security audit process and incorporates security threat matrices from the International Air Transport Association. It teaches airport operations, maintenance, security, and police personnel to conduct the Annex 17 inspection requirements. Also addressed, are aircraft operator security functions so airport personnel can better understand their security requirements, and serve as an additional layer of security, without interfering with flight operations, unless there is a real incident.

Conducting ICAO Airport Security Audits

Ground Operator Safety Training

The Ground Operator Safety Training was developed specifically to provide supervisors and operations managers a better understanding of FAR Part 139 and airport safety. This program mixes presentations with interactive case studies that will help the student apply the knowledge they currently possess, plus what they learn in the classroom. This course provides students with a better understanding of the airport operation and ensuring the terminal, ramp, and other secured areas are run safely and efficiently.

Ground Operator Safety Training

Ground Transportation and Terminal Operations Program

Airport GT and terminal functions provide a tremendous amount of revenue to the operator. Outside the terminal building, the airport can collect revenue through parking lot charges and commercial vehicle access fees. Inside the terminal (public and sterile area), concession sales can be a significant revenue generator and meet the needs of the traveling public). This course teaches the operational functions of the GT and terminal areas, so that revenue and safety are maximized, and, in a way that supports the airport’s image and brand.

Ground Transportation and Terminal Operations Program

ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes

This online IACE course is available in English and Spanish in an unprecedented interactive format that the student can complete on his/her own schedule. Following a final test, successful candidates will be able to print the IACE certificate and use the IACE designation.

ICAO Annex 14 Aerodromes

Incident Command System for Airports

This course focuses on teaching the NIMS ICS 100/200 and 700 materials, but in an aviation an a scenario based context, so personnel can actually understand and implement the ICS system during an actual emergency.

Incident Command System for Airports

Incident Report Writing

This course teaches airport operations personnel basic incident report writing skills, and how to “take command” of a situation on scene, including basic radio communication techniques.

Incident Report Writing

Insider Threat

This new training course for airports, developed in collaboration with the TSA and produced by AAAE, teaches aviation workers the signs of an insider threat and how to respond. It's available on AAAE’s Digicast, IET-LS, and/or through a direct license. Learn more about the course below and how to access this training.

Insider Threat

Insider Threat, Suspicious Awareness and Behavioral Detection

The most insidious and dangerous threat to our aviation system is the insider threat. Personnel who work within the airport system, by the very nature of their job, bypass many of the security controls that are in place to prevent the general public or those seeking to cause harm. However, the insider threat can also be one of the hardest threats to neutralize. Basic, workplace violence training, plus suspicious awareness procedures from Israel, to the TSA, to police and customs agents, come together in this course to help anyone working at the airport or with an airline, become the expert at spotting and stopping, the insider threat before it’s too late. This is not basic suspicious awareness. The course goes more in-depth into motivations of insiders, their methods and operational practices, and includes practical behavioral detection elements used throughout the world.

Insider Threat, Suspicious Awareness and Behavioral Detection

Intro to Winter Ops

The International Aviation Snow Academy course educates airport employees, including snowplow and airport equipment operators, on how to utilize best practices while performing snow and ice control measures on airports during winter operations.

Intro to Winter Ops

OSHA Safety Training

Under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthful workplace. Airport employees need to be aware of the expectations and procedures within their organizations. This includes occupational safety. The safety training offered under this program is one method for employers to meet this requirement. The courses available through this program will offer numerous opportunities for affected airport employees to expand their knowledge base.

OSHA Safety Training

Part 139 Refresher

The Part 139 review course focuses on your airport and your Airport Certification Manual. This class meets the FAA regulatory requirement under Title 14 CFR Part 139. 303(c), addressing all required topics. The course involves audience participation and a knowledge test. Passing the test is not required to meet the regulatory standard. It does provide management with a measuring stick to determine how well their operations and maintenance staff understand the requirements of your ACM, under Part 139.

Part 139 Refresher

Psychological Preparedness for Aviation Personnel

Understanding that an airport is an industrial environment and aviation itself is a lucrative target for terrorists and others that would want to do harm to seek attention to their cause, the need for airport personnel to understand the importance of preparing themselves mentally and physically in advance of a catastrophic situation is key to avoiding long-term emotional effects. In this course, we will discuss how to help employees at all levels in the organization understand the need for psychological resiliency and preparedness. We will discuss the processes of successfully adapting in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress.

Psychological Preparedness for Aviation Personnel

The Pilot Perspective for Airport Management

Most pilots do not know what an Alert 2 means. Does that surprise you? Pilots don’t declare an “alert 2,” or “alert 3.” They describe the problem to air traffic control or the airport operator, one of which will decide the appropriate alert level. We may all walk the same walk, but we don’t talk the same talk. Although they are responsible for managing an air transportation facility, many airport operators have very little, if any, pilot experience. This course is focused on providing airport personnel an understanding of the pilot’s perspective, on the aviation system, and the airport environment. This course helps bridge the gap between what airport operators know about pilots and flight operations, and what pilots believe about the airport’s operations. Closing this gap provides more effective management of emergencies and situations, and being able to serve better the pilots, aviation businesses, and airport users.

The Pilot Perspective for Airport Management

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